Research Methodologies
Quantitative Research
Personal / Telephonic / Online surveys (B2B , B2C, G2B, G2C) for em 1
- Public Opinion,
- Habits & Attitudes,
- Awareness/ Usage/ Perceptions,
- Census & Database Creation.
Testing & Evaluation
- Ideas/ Concepts/ Advertisements / Products & Brand Communication
- Product/Packaging / Pricing
Qualitative Research
Qualitative Discussions
- Focus Group discussions
- In-Depth Interviews (1 to 1, Dyads, Triads, Mini Groups)
Observations (Naturalistic, Controlled, Participative)
Mystery Shopping / Audits
Consumer connect
- Home visits
- Shopping behavior
Secondary Research
Internal ( Research on Data from within client organization eg : Sales Reports, customer databases, past primary research etc. )
External ( Research on data from outside the client organization eg: Historic Data , Government documents , published articles from news , academic papers etc.)
Our survey experts will guide you on how to:
- Decide on the type of market research you need to run.
- Design your data collection instruments and craft questions so as to collect meaningful and invaluable insights and responses.
- Determine the sample size and coverage of respondents needed to truly represent your target universe.
- Process the data, interpret the responses and convert insights into strategic business recommendations.